BTND Covent Garden Run Club

The Importance of Hydration for Our Athletic Performance

Overall hydration is a fundamental aspect of athletic performance and overall health. Water is an essential element for nearly every function in the body, from helping regulate our temperature to transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells. For athletes, maintaining proper hydration is critical and can be the difference between winning and losing an event. Additional, it helps to prevent injuries and ensure a fast recovery after training sessions and events. Optimal hydration is a massively underappreciated element of performance. 

Water: The Essential Carrier 

The human body is composed of about 60% water, which plays a vital role in almost every bodily function. It aids in digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients, maintains body temperature, and lubricates joints. For athletes, correct water balance is crucial for maintaining optimal performance throughout an event.

The Impact of Dehydration

Dehydration can reduce an athlete's endurance, strength, and cognitive function. It inhibits coordination, slows reaction times, and impairs your ability to make decisions quickly, all of which negativley affect your performance in sports. For endurance athletes, dehydration can be particularly detrimental, as it leads to an increase in body temperature and heart rate, over a prolonged period of exercise, this cardiac drift becomes more and more pronounced.

Electrolytes and Hydration

Electrolytes, particularly sodium, potassium, and magnesium, are minerals that help regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve function. During prolonged exercise, especially in hot and humid conditions, athletes lose significant amounts of electrolytes through sweat. Replenishing these electrolytes during exercise is vital to prevent imbalances that can lead to muscle cramps, fatigue, and other issues. 

Proper hydration requires a proactive approach, especially for athletes who lose significant amounts of fluid and electrolytes through sweat. Here are some key strategies to maintain optimal hydration

- Focus on consuming enough water throughout the day, aiming to drink at least 2 Litres regardless of body weight. 

- If you live in a hot climate, or will open part of your day exercising, considering consuming an electrolyte product, particularly around your training sessions. 

Signs of Proper Hydration

Monitoring hydration status can help us as athletes stay on track during competition. Clear or light-colored urine is typically a good indicator of adequate hydration, while dark urine may signal dehydration. Other useful indicators of proper hydration include stable energy levels, regular urination, and the absence of thirst.

Individual Differences

Hydration needs can vary widely among individuals based on factors such as body size, individual sweat rate, climate, and the type of sport you’re participating in. Athletes should consider these factors when developing their hydration strategy. 


Hydration is a critical component of athletic performance and overall health. Proper hydration strategies before, during, and after exercise can help maintain performance, prevent injuries, and promote recovery. If you are looking to optimise your performance in both sport, and general life, optimum hydration is imperative. 

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